Thursday, February 22, 2007

I got spanked by traffic yesterday.

I got seriously spanked by the traffic yesterday as I was riding up to class. And not just traffic -- they're rebuilding the interurban bus stop (intercambiador in Spanish, though it's more like a series of informal bus stops that really ought to be a station). I'm starting to wish that I was riding a mountain bike. Thank God my bike has front suspension because even riding singletrack is not as wearing as riding on the Castellana.

You can tell it's election time in Madrid. The streets are ripped up, supposedly in the name of progress, but all it ever seems to do is raise peoples' blood pressure levels.

It took me an hour to get to class, which is what it normally takes me if I take the Metro. I'll still ride up there at least once a week, but dan...I think I need new tires.....

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